29. oktober 2023
(See the English translation of this newsletter below the Danish newsletter)
Glyphosat forårsager depression
Glyphosat er verdens mest anvendte aktivstof mod ukrudt. Det mest kendte glyphosat-baserede ukrudtsmiddel er Roundup. En ny forskningsartikel fastslår, at glyphosat forårsager depression, kognitive vanskeligheder og reduceret hørelse.
Forskningen omfattede 1532 voksne amerikanere. Der blev fundet sammenhæng mellem koncentrationen af glyphosat i deres urin og risikoen for, at de fik alvorlig depression, reduceret kognitiv evne og stærkt nedsat hørelse.
Tidligere forskning har vist, at glyphosat virker som en nervegift og kan medføre adfærdsvanskeligheder som f.eks. ADHD.
Man kan undgå glyphosat ved at vælge økologiske fødevarer frem for konventionelle. Genmodificeret soja er modificeret til at tolerere glyphosat og bliver sprøjtet med glyphosat. Glyphosat kan derfor findes i genmodificerede sojabønner. Korn og visse andre frøplanter sprøjtes til tider med glyphosat et par uger før høst for at fremme modning og bekæmpe ukrudt, så også disse afgrøder kan indeholde glyphosat. Soja og korn anvendes som foder til bl.a. kyllinger, høns, grise og kvæg. Glyphosat er fundet i kød fra disse dyr og i hønseæg og mælk og mælkeprodukter. Det anbefales derfor vælge økologiske animalske produkter.
- Another alarming discovery: Glyphosate linked to severe depression and cognitive decline
- Association between glyphosate exposure and cognitive function, depression and neurological diseases in a representative sample of US adults: NHANES 2013-2014 analysis
Psykisk sygdom som følge af covid-19 vaccination
Der er indberettet mange tilfælde af psykiske lidelser som bivirkning fra covid-19 vaccination. Amerikanske VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) har bl.a. modtaget disse indberetninger som følge af covid-19 vaccination:
- 9400 tilfælde af angst
- 1600 tilfælde af depression
- 1500 tilfælde af panikanfald
- 1140 tilfælde af hallucinationer
- 975 tilfælde af irritabilitet
Eftftersom kun en lille procentdel af bivirkninger indrapporteres, må det faktiske antal bivirkninger forventes at være mange gange højere.
Selvmord og selvmordsforsøg er også forekommet efter covid-19 vaccination. Et pakistansk studie viste, at hele 12% af vaccinerede fik selvmordstanker efter covid-19 vaccination.
At covid-19 vaccination forårsager psykisk sygdom kan skyldes, at vaccinen forårsager inflammation. Inflammation er forbundet med depression, angst, selvmord og flere andre psykiske lidelser. Anti-inflammatorisk behandling kan afhjælpe disse lidelser. Anti-inflammatorisk kost og kosttilskud kan anbefales.
Ref.: Principia Scientific: “Bizarre Psychiatric Cases among the COVID Vaccinated”
Skærmtid forbundet med ADHD
Et større japansk studie med 7097 børn viste, at jo mere tid et-årige børn brugte foran en skærm (TV, computer, SMART-phone og lignende), jo mere forsinket blev deres udvikling af evnen til at kommunikere og løse problemer som 2-årige og 4-årige.
Forskning har også vist, at børn, der bruger meget tid foran skærme, har øget risiko for at udvikle ADHD. I et studie udviklede 10% af børnene ADHD.
Ref.: Screens Negatively Impacting Kids‘ Brains, Fueling ADHD Epidemic: Experts
En af årsagerne til, at skærme forårsager ADHD kan være, at de udsender mikrobølgestråling. Forsøg har vist, at børn absorberer omkring dobbelt så meget mikrobølgestråling som voksne pga. børns tyndere hud og knogler. Der er også fundet sammenhæng mellem ADHD og mikrobølgestråling.
Ref.: Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequenses
Brug af kablet internet og kablet telefoni i stedet for WIFI og mobiltelefoni kan anbefales, når det er muligt. Man kan kable nogle modeller af SMART-phones. Det kan anbefales at købe en sådan model, hvis man skal købe en SMART-phone.
Mange skoler har indført forbud mod brug af mobiltelefon i skoletiden, og Sundhedsstyrelsen anbefaler at begrænse brugen af skærme. Især små børn bør ikke udsættes for skærme i længere tid.
Ref.: Sundhedsstyrelsen
Ansvarsfraskrivelse: Intet i dette nyhedsbrev er et forsøg på at afholde dig fra nødvendig lægebehandling. Nedtrapning af medicin eller behandling bør ske i samråd med en kvalificeret læge. Vælger du at ophøre med lægeordineret medicin eller behandling bærer du selv det fulde ansvar.
Newletter in English
Glyphosate causes depression
Glyphosate is the most used herbicide in the world. The best known glyphosate based herbicide is Roundup.
A new research article has established, that glyphosate causes depression, cognitive problems and reduced hearing. The research included 1532 adult Americans. A correlation was found between the concentration of glyphosate in their urine and their risk of developing severe depression, reduced cognitive ability and reduced hearing.
Earlier research has shown, that glyphosate acts like a nerve poison and can cause behaviorial difficulties such as ADHD.
You can avoid glyphosate by choosing organic foods instead of conventional. Genetic engineered soy is modified to tolerate glyphosate and is sprayed with glyphosate. Glyphosate can therefore be found in genetic engineered soy. Grains and some other seed plants are sometimes sprayed with glyphosate a couple of weeks before harvest, so these crops may also contain glyphosate. Soy and grains are used as feed for chicken, hens, pigs and cattle. Glyphosate has been found in meat from these animals, in eggs from hens and in dairy and dairyproducts. It is therefore recommended to chose organic animal products.
- Another alarming discovery: Glyphosate linked to severe depression and cognitive decline
- Association between glyphosate exposure and cognitive function, depression and neurological diseases in a representative sample of US adults: NHANES 2013-2014 analysis
Mental illness following covid-19 vaccination
Numerous cases of mental illnesses have been reported as a side effect fom covid-19 vaccination. The American VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) has received the following reports following covid-19 vaccination:
- 9400 cases of anxiety
- 1600 cases of depression
- 1500 cases of panic attack
- 1140 cases of hallucination
- 975 cases of irritability
Since only a small percentage of side effects are reported, the actual number of side effects can be expected to be many times higher.
Suicide and suicide attemts have also occurred afted covid-19 vaccination. A study from Pakistan showed, that 12% of the vaccinated had suicidal thoughts after
covid-19 vaccination.
The reason why covid-19 vaccination causes mental illness may be, that the vaccine causes inflammation. Inflammation is related to depression, anxiety, suicide and several other mental illnesses. Anti-inflammatory treatment may alleviate these illnesses. Anti-inflammatory diet and supplements are recommended.
Ref.: Principia Scientific: “Bizarre Psychiatric Cases among the COVID Vaccinated”
Screentime associated with ADHD
A large Japaneese study with 7097 children showed, that the more time one year old children spent in front of a screen (TV, computer, SMART phone etc.), the more delay was observed in their ability to communicate and solve problems at age 2 and 4.
Research has also shown, that children, who spent a lot of time in front of screens, have increased risk of developing ADHD. In one study 10% of the children developed ADHD.
Ref.: Screens Negatively Impacting Kids‘ Brains, Fueling ADHD Epidemic: Experts
One of the reasons that screens cause ADHD may be, that they emit microwave radiation. Research has shown, that children absorb about twice as much radiation as adults because children have thinner skin and bones. Microwave radiation has also been found to be connected with development of ADHD.
Ref.: Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequenses
It is recommended to use cabled internet and cabled telephones instead of WIFI and cell phones when possible. It is possible to cable some models of SMART phones. It is recommended to buy such a model, if you need to buy a SMART phone.
Many schools forbid the use of cell phones during school time, and the Danish Health Authorithy recommends limiting the time in front of screens. Especially small children should not be exposed to screens for long duration.
Ref.: Sundhedsstyrelsen
Disclaimer of liability: Nothing in this newsletter is an attempt to prevent you from getting necessary medical treatment. Withdrawal from medication or treatment should be done in concert with a qualified physician. If you choose to withdraw from prescribed medication or treatment, you carry the full responsibility.